- Properties and Parameters -

Here is the list and the meaning of a important JImageUpload properties. They can be setup in i18n_pane.properties text file.

JImageUpload properties
Properties Description and sample
It allows to define the layout of thumbnails grid.
Maximum allowed images = preview.grid.columns x preview.grid.rows.
It allows to define thumbnail width and height. Default is 128x96. Thumbnail width should be a 2^N value.
preview.image.removeicon This property allows to modify the remove icon.
preview.image.background This property allows to modify JFileUpload background.
preview.image.extensions This property allows to select allowed image formats for thumbnailing. For instance: extensions=jpg,jpeg,gif,png,bmp
preview.grid.validator.impl This property allows to plug a custom image validator.
preview.image.rotation These properties allow to enable image rotation. You need JImageFilter in applet ARCHIVE parameters to make it works.

A few JImageUpload parameters could be setup in applet such as <PARAM NAME="" VALUE="">.

JImageUpload parameters
Parameters Description and sample
transferuiresources This parameter allows to setup your own JImageUpload front-end properties.
<PARAM NAME="transferuiresources" VALUE="myi18n">
transferuiparamX and transferuivalueX pair Up to 8 parameters could be passed to JImageUpload through transferuiparamX and transferuivalueX (with X in [1,8]). For instance:
<PARAM NAME="transferuiparam1" VALUE="preview.grid.columns">
<PARAM NAME="transferuivalue1" VALUE="20">

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