- FAQ -

Basic setup
  • How to setup JDiskExplorer ?
    JDiskExplorer includes two sample files :
    For FTP : applet_ftp_explorer.html + applet_ftp_explorer.js
    for HTTP : applet_http_explorer.html + applet_http_explorer.js.
    Edit and modify parameters in the file matching to your need.
  • JDiskExplorer fails to load (gray box) ?
    You must install JFileUpload first. Then you have to follow installation instructions above (copy explorerui.jar under lib/ folder ...).
  • Is there a way to disable ".." for a given folder ?
    Yes, use "account" extra parameter. For instance, if you have the following folders :
    And you want to limit folders browsing to /myhome/user1 then setup "account" parameter such as :
      <PARAM NAME = "param5" VALUE="account">
      <PARAM NAME = "value5" VALUE="/myhome/user1">
  • How to modify JDiskExplorer resources (messages, menu, errors ...) ?
    Most JDiskExplorer resources could be modified. Edit i18n_pane.properties and update resources as you need.
  • How to internationalize JDiskExplorer resources (messages, errors , ...) ?
    In the same way as you can internationalize JFileUpload resources through i18n_bar.properties and i18n_pane.properties.
Advanced setup
  • How to swap (right<=> left) local host and remote host panels ?
    Uncomment the following line in i18n_pane.properties :
    Update button.start and button.down too.
  • How to move buttons on the top of the front-end ?
    Uncomment the following lines in i18n_pane.properties :
  • How to disable delete item in pop-up menu ?
    Comment all popup.delete properties in i18n_pane.properties.
  • How to disable recursive delete feature for folders ?
    Uncomment popup.delete.recursive=false line in i18n_pane.properties.
  • Is there any way to disable"download" button ?
    Yes, you can disable it by commenting the following line in i18n_pane.properties:
        #button.down=> Download>
FTP related
  • JDiskExplorer fails to delete empty folders with Microsoft FTP server ?
    Enable the following extra parameter to fix this issue:
      <PARAM NAME = "param6" VALUE="deletefolder">
      <PARAM NAME = "value6" VALUE="relative">
  • Can JDiskExplorer display log of FTP commands such as CONNECT, LIST, ... ?
    Yes, first you have to uncomment the following line in i18n_pane.properties:
    Second, you have to uncomment the following lines in i18n_bar.properties:
        #taskoutput.protocol.request=> {0}
        #taskoutput.protocol.response=< {0}
    Once enabled you should see:
    FTP traces
  • JDiskExplorer returns "Error Initializing Parser" message on loading ?
    Make sure that custom HTTP error pages are not enabled for the web folder where you've installed JDiskExplorer. JDiskExplorer tries to load an internal parser matching to your FTP system (returned by FTP SYST command). For instance, for UNIX Type: L8, it tries to load http://yourserver.com/path/UNIX%20Type:%20L8.class. Your server must return HTTP 404. With custom HTTP error pages, it returns HTTP 200 that generates the parser error.
HTTP related
  • How to setup JDiskExplorer for HTTP transfers ?
    You need a server-side script implementing JDiskExplorer commands to list folders, make folder, rename and delete files. We provide three samples:
    - One that works with JSPUpload script. You have to use explorer.jsp from server-side/jsp/ folder and add <%@ include file="explorer.jsp" %> in process.jsp (see readme.txt from JDiskExplorer package).
    - Others that work with PHP and CFM samples scripts available in add-ons section. You have to use explorer.php from server-side/php/ folder and add include "explorer.php"; in process.php (see readme.txt from JDiskExplorer package).
  • Does JDiskExplorer support SSL ?
    Yes, both HTTPS and FTPS. Just modify url parameter (with https://yourserver, or ftps://yourserver) to make it works.
  • How to prompt end-user for FTP login/password ?
    First, enable authentication parameter such as :
    <PARAM NAME="authentication" VALUE="auto">
    Second, remove all username and password parameters. End-user will be prompted on first transfer action (upload, download, refresh, ...).
    If you want to prompt end-user on applet loading (before first transfer) then you have fill in username parameter with any value (e.g. anonymous) and an empty password such as :
    <PARAM NAME="username" VALUE="anonymous">
    <PARAM NAME="password" VALUE="">
    You have a sample image of the prompt on the right.
    Three attempts are allowed.
  • Can I use JDiskExplorer Pro with JFileUpload Enterprise ?
    No, JDiskExplorer Pro works with JFileUpload Pro only. JDiskExplorer Enterprise requires JFileUpload Enterprise or Premium.

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