- Parameters -

Here is the list and the meaning of the FlickrUpload extra parameters. All others parameters such as retry on failure, internationalization are available in JFileUpload documentation.

FlickrUpload extra parameters
Parameters Description and sample
flickrapikey This parameter is the developer API key. You get one when you apply for API Key in your Flickr account. For instance,
<PARAM NAME="param1" VALUE="flickrapikey">
<PARAM NAME="value1" VALUE="ad1285784aea587h21c54dd">
flickrsharedsecret This parameter is the developer shared secret. You get one when you apply for API Key in your Flickr account.
flickrtype This parameter allows to setup content_type for the images to upload. "1" means Photo, "2" means Screenshot and "3" means Others.
flickrhidden This parameter allows enabling/disabling the image from public search. "0" means available to public search, "1" means hidden from public search.
flickrtag This parameter allows passing tags (separated by space character) for images to upload.
flickrpublic This parameter allows enabling/disabling image availability to public. "0" means not available to public, "1" means available to public.
flickrfriend This parameter allows enabling/disabling image availability to friends. "0" means not available to friends, "1" means available to friends.
flickrfamily This parameter allows enabling/disabling image availability to family. "0" means not available to family, "1" means available to family.
flickrauthtarget This parameter allows passing target frame for desktop authentication. Default is "_blank".
flickrfrob This parameter allows passing a Flick frob for web authentication.

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