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Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 7:27 pm
by sorr
I am receiving the following error intermittenly.

Transfer failed: Connection reset by peer: socket write error

The issue never occurs on files as large as 100MB when uploading/downloading internally. However customers have reported this error on files that other customers do not have an issue with. Furthermore, while testing files, the same customer may get a transfer of 90% before seeing the error, and on the second try will get 95% before receiving the error, on the third attempt it may download completely. This leads me to believe it is a timeout issue. No smaller files (under ~20MB) have issues with upload/download.

I have read other places on this forum that mention a timeout parameter in the .js files. My applet_http_explorer.js file does not have this parameter. Can I add this?

Also, I notice in my process.php file that there is a set_time_limit(0) section. Can this cause timeout issues?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Re: socketException

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:20 pm
by sorr
I have this issue solved. In addition to all the metabase.xml values that realate to timeouts and filesize, there is a letting in IIS 6.0 for Fastcgi implentations that needs to be set to accomodate connections that last longer than 90 seconds.

If you are running fastcgi and PHP on iis6.0 you must set your activity timeout and retry timeout settings under the appropriate [TYPE]. typically the type is [PHP] but you can determin this by looking into the %windir%\system32\inetsrv\fcgiext.ini file. Simply add the following parameters under your php type:


These values are in seconds. when I upped them to 300, I could keep my connections open for 5 minutes and that allowed people with slower connections to download the larger files I had on my site.

Hope this helps.