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Js3uplod in a wordpress based site

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 2:32 am
by darkcircles
As a newbie to website construction I'm limited to my understanding of where things go and how to construct them.

I've started out my website evolution with wordpress and uploaded it to a webhost.
With a bit of a search I came across JS3upload and believe it to be perfect for a section in my site.
What I fear (after reading all the instructions here within) is possibly placing the folders and code in the wrong place.
If someone with a little knowledge of WP could guide me a little I'd be most appreciative.

Would I be correct in thinking that I create a folder... say called "applet". Place in the jfileupload.jar + the JS3upload.jar [With set paramiters]
Then FTP this to the wp-content folder.
Then drop some HTML code (that points to the folder) into the post page, or any page I wish to have the uploader?


Re: Js3uplod in a wordpress based site

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 4:20 pm
by support
You have to use absolute URLs for <script src="applet_s3"></script> and JAVA_CODEBASE and CODEBASE parameters.