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Use of "account" PARAM with IE generates Java Error

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 2:39 pm
by jaynorton
I'm trying to implement JFileUpload and need cross-platform and cross-browser support. I'm running into a wall with the use of the "account" parameter in the applet_ftp.js file. When I have it set, it works fine in Safari, Chrome, Firefox for both Windows and Mac. However, I get an error in the Java Console with IE (on Windows):

[ERROR] L - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: jfileupload.transfer.client.http.HTTPUploadTransfer

My parameter definitions:
document.writeln('<PARAM NAME="param2" VALUE="account" ');
document.writeln('<PARAM NAME="value2" VALUE="public_html/tmp" ');

If I comment out those lines, then the applet does load in IE, however the uploaded files go to the root directory of my ftp server (as expected). I need them to go to another location.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Use of "account" PARAM with IE generates Java Error

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:53 pm
by support
Could you check you don't have a typo in the JavaScript?
Such problem comes usually from a typo in JavaScript (missing ; or quote)
Could you try our online demo to see if it works on your IE: ... _http.html